Do you have any questions regarding our banking or real estate services? You will find answers to the most frequently asked questions below. And if that does not satisfy your query, please feel free to contact one of our experts.
What banking services do you offer?
Asset management, along with investment advice, are the classic services that Hoerner Bank AG offers.
Do you also procure and finance real estate?
Our competent team of experts at our affiliate subsidiary, Hoerner Immobilien GmbH, is happy to assist you in the management, procurement and financing of your real estate.
What is of particular importance to Hoerner Bank AG?
An independent private bank, Hoerner Bank AG looks back on over 175 years of experience, expertise and stability. Providing personal and comprehensive advice and support to clients has always taken centre stage. The focus is on long-term success through trust, transparency and traceability. Investment decisions are always made objectively and based on the latest scientific research. This philosophy shapes our daily actions and enables us to provide high quality service and pronounced customer focus, even in more turbulent times.
What will the initial asset advisory services meeting be like?
At the beginning of the partnership, we will define the desired relationship between security, profitability and availability of the assets by means of so-called maturities. In this way, we get to know your individual values, your investor mentality and your investment goals in detail. This enables us to react individually and promptly to possible market changes or necessary adjustments due to your personal situation at a later point in time. End-to-end asset advice is guaranteed.
Is Hoerner Bank AG an independent bank or is it part of a corporate structure?
Independence in making decisions is the core of our excellent service and individual freedom. As an independent private bank, Hoerner Bank AG is not subject to the influence of other commercial banks or other corporate structures. We can therefore advise you in a focused, success-oriented manner, without conflicts of interest, and support you in the achievement of your goals and wishes.
Does Hoerner Bank AG cooperate with other banks or business partners?
Yes, Hoerner Bank AG works with a variety of partners, such as BNP Paribas (formerly DAB Bank), ebase, Grenke Bank, Alpha Rheintal Bank, etc. When it comes to financing, Hoerner Bank AG works together with Prohyp AG in the procurement of loans.
Are Hoerner Bank AG’s services recommended by external specialised press?
Yes, Hoerner Bank AG was named one of the best asset managers in 2023 – as previously in 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019 – by WirtschaftsWoche. A total of 1264 fund portfolios of banks and independent asset managers were examined by the analysis company MMD Analyse & Advisory on behalf of WirtschaftsWoche. The return, volatility and maximum loss over three years were evaluated in three risk categories. In 2023, the bank was able to attain 10th place in the defensive category with its HB fund – Substanz Plus. In addition, the private bank based in Heilbronn was included for the first time in the 2024 Elite Report published in cooperation with Handelsblatt trade journal and awarded “cum laude”
Does it make sense to invest in gold?
Gold is money. With a gold coin or a small gold bar you can do business, store money and settle your liabilities anywhere in the world. Precious metals have a natural monetary function and have served mankind as a store of value, a means of exchange and a means of payment for thousands of years. Furthermore, gold is a rare raw material that has to be extracted from the earth at great expense. The metal is only available in limited quantities and cannot be multiplied at will. What is scarce, limited and sought-after has an intrinsic value that is independent of how currencies develop.
The advantages of gold are also its disadvantages: In contrast to other investments, profit can be attained purely through fluctuations in the rate. There are no dividends like there are in shares, nor is there any interest income. Investors can only make a profit though the rates – that means that you sell your gold for a higher price than you bought it for. The price of gold can fluctuate greatly, even though gold has never completely lost its value in the past millennia.
Does Hoerner Bank AG offer their own funds?
With our in-house asset management funds, you can participate in a strategy geared towards value preservation (Substanz Plus) or in a return-oriented investment (Rendite Global Plus).
Who is the HB fund – Substanz Plus suitable for?
The HB fund – Substanz Plus is suitable for investors with a medium-term investment horizon. The strategy is composed of a globally diversified portfolio of equities, bonds and gold. The fund’s risk is actively managed in order to generate sustainable increases in value over the medium term. The fund offers investors optimized access to global financial markets, including emerging markets. The equity component is between 15 and 30 percent. Based on fundamental valuation, shares that are “expensive” are weighted lower, while “cheaper markets” are weighted correspondingly higher. The fund covers the equity component predominantly via low-cost ETFs, which allows it to benefit from broad diversification and risk minimization at comparatively low costs.
Who is the HB fund – Rendite Global Plus suitable for?
The HB fund – Rendite Global Plus is suitable for investors with a long-term investment horizon. The strategy is composed of a globally diversified portfolio of equities, bonds and gold. The fund’s risk is actively and countercyclically managed in order to generate the highest possible value growth over the long term. The fund offers investors optimized access to global financial markets, including emerging markets. The equity component is between 51 and 80 percent. Based on fundamental valuation, shares that are “expensive” are weighted lower, while “cheaper markets” are weighted correspondingly higher. The fund covers the equity component predominantly via low-cost ETFs, which allows it to benefit from broad diversification and risk minimization at comparatively low costs.
Is there a minimum investment amount for the Asset Management?
We recommend an investment sum of at least EUR 200,000 for the conclusion of a Hoerner Bank AG Asset Management.
Is there a contingency fee in the HB funds?
Yes, the contingency fee in the HB funds amounts to 10 % of the increase in value of the unit value exceeding 3 % per financial year with a 5-year high water mark.
Are Hoerner Bank AG investment funds eligible for trust investment?
Since investment funds are generally not considered to be gilt-edged investments, consent must be obtained from the competent court for each individual investment of money held in trust for a ward in Hoerner Bank AG investment funds.
What is the difference between distribution and reinvestment?
Distribution means that income that has accrued from the fund in the financial year, such as dividends from shares, interest from bonds, is distributed to the shareholder. Reinvestment means that this income is not distributed, but returned to the fund assets.
Are there costs for the purchase and/or management of fund shares?
The costs of a fund can be broken down into acquisition costs, management costs and deposit costs. The subscription fee is due when new shares are acquired. Information concerning the subscription costs can be found in the fund profile, the product information and the sales documents. The management costs include, for example, the fund-internal costs, which are summarised as ongoing costs. These include the management fee, the flat-rate fee, the transaction costs and, if applicable, the contingency fee. The fund-internal costs are taken directly from the fund assets and are thus reflected in the current unit price or the reported performance. The management costs are therefore already included in a reported positive as well as in a reported negative performance. The costs incurred for the portfolio are included in the deposit costs.
When are the fund prices of the HB funds updated and where can I access them?
The unit value calculation is carried out according to defined criteria for the respective sub-fund. However, if unit classes have been formed within the respective sub-fund, the resulting unit value calculation is carried out separately for each unit class according to the defined criteria. The compilation and allocation of assets is always carried out for the respective sub-fund as a whole.
After the research is complete, the fund prices are published on the website of the capital management company Axxion S.A. ( You can also find the current unit prices, after publication on the Internet, in some national daily newspapers.
When are funds settled?
Subscription applications for the acquisition of bearer shares may be submitted to the institution where the investor maintains his portfolio, the management company. The aforementioned office is obliged to forward the subscription applications to the registrar and transfer agent immediately.
Complete subscription applications for the acquisition of bearer shares received by the registrar and transfer agent by the order acceptance deadline shall be settled at the issue price of that valuation day. The management company shall in any case ensure that the issue of units is settled on the basis of a unit value unknown to the investor at the time the application is submitted.
Complete subscription applications for the acquisition of bearer shares received by the registrar and transfer agent after the order acceptance deadline will be settled at the issue price of the next valuation day.
The units shall be transferred immediately after receipt of the issue price by the depositary by the registrar and transfer agent on behalf of the management company by crediting them to the institution where the subscriber maintains his portfolio. The issue price is payable in the respective sub-fund currency at the depositary in Luxembourg within three banking days of the relevant valuation day.
Does the capital management company Axxion S.A. offer sustainability in the administration of HB funds?
Yes, all CO2 emissions generated by the administration of our funds are offset by an investment in a climate protection project. You can find more information on this at
Which key investor information is relevant for me?
According to EU law, the key features of a fund, in the form of investor information, must be provided by European investment companies. They provide you with an overview of a fund’s investment policy, risk and return profile, costs and past performance.
What do the fact sheets contain?
Hoerner Bank AG produces an individual fact sheet for each of the funds that it launches itself. This gives you a quick and easy overview of the most important features of our product. In the fact sheet you will find the investment strategy, past performance, the fund’s risk rating and the individual cost components, for example.
Where can I find or download the fact sheets?
Our fact sheets can be found under “Asset Management” or by following this link:
You can find all the important information to download, print, save etc. here.
What is included in the fund publications?
The publications include the fact sheet, which contains the issue price, the costs and information on the risks of the fund, such as price fluctuations. There is also the key investor information, which describes the nature and risks of the fund. The publications also include the sales prospectus, which provides information on the investment objective and principles of the fund in question, among other things. The sales prospectus also contains the fund’s contractual terms and conditions. In addition, it contains an overview of the fund, which lists all important information on the fund, including the cost structure, in a clear and concise manner. The sales prospectus is supplemented by the statement of accounting and the half-year report. In these reports, in addition to the performance of the fund, you will also find a description of the investment policy as well as a precise statement of assets on the basis of individual securities of the fund concerned.
What is an ISIN/ WKN?
The International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is a twelve-digit letter-number combination and is a globally unique identification for a security. The first two letters are the country code of the issuing country. This is followed by nine letters and/or numbers, the so-called NSIN (National Securities Identifying Number). The last digit is a verification number. The ISIN is issued by the relevant national numbering agency (NNA). In German stock exchange trading, securities were previously classified using a six-digit WKN (securities identification number). This was replaced by the ISIN on April 22, 2003. Previously, the WKN consisted only of digits, whereas now letters are also permitted. For German ISINs, the WKN is contained in the sixth to eleventh digit of the ISIN. WM Datenservice is the agency responsible for assigning the WKN/ISIN in Germany and is a member of the Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA).
What does SICAV stand for?
SICAV stands for Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable. It is an investment company with variable capital under Luxembourg law. The company is designed in such a way that, by offering several sub-funds (umbrella structure), the diverse investment needs of investors can be met, while the administrative advantages of a single corporate entity are brought to bear at the same time. The company is a (single) legal entity. With regard to the shareholders, each sub-fund is treated as a separate entity. In relation to third parties, the assets of the individual sub-funds are only liable for the liabilities incurred by the sub-funds in question.
What is a pre-determined flat rate tax?
The pre-determined flat rate tax is an annual tax on gains from fund investments that would otherwise have been taxed only when sold. It is limited to the increase in value in the calendar year and is determined and paid to the tax office in January of the following year.
When sold, the pre-determined flat rate tax is taken into account so that you do not pay tax twice.
What is a partial exemption?
The partial exemption is a flat rate to offset the taxes paid at fund level. This means that profits remain partially tax-free for you. The amount of the partial exemption depends on the type of fund and can be found in the sales prospectus. Here is an overview:
– 15 % for mixed-asset funds
– 30 % for equity funds
Which investment income from an investment fund is subject to the flat rate withholding tax?
First things first: We pay the flat rate withholding tax for all funds directly for you as a client liable to pay tax in Germany.
In principle, all income from the fund is subject to the flat rate withholding tax. The tax is offset against your loss offset balance and your exemption order before it is paid.
Good to know: You can claim capital gains realized on the sale of taxable older shares on your income tax return.
What is a loss offset balance?
Everything that reduces your tax liability is collected in the loss offset balance. These include: losses on the sale of fund shares, withheld foreign taxes, partial income paid on purchase (so-called interim profits). The losses incurred are offset during the year against already made gains. If there are still losses after this offsetting, we open your loss offset balance at the end of the year. We automatically carry this over into the next year. This way you can continue to use it even in the new year.
What is a loss certificate and when do I need it?
Normally, losses in the portfolio are carried over into the new year and offset against revenue.
With a loss certificate, you can offset these losses against gains at other banks as part of your tax return. We are happy to issue you with a loss certificate upon request.