As a private bank, we are able to act freely on behalf of our customers, clients and business partners as well as the heirs we find:
Everything we do is done in your interest.
Our focus is on you.
And it is all to your benefit.
We are able to concentrate fully on your success, using our core competencies and creativity without the limitations of corporate policy.
We have safeguarded this independence over numerous decades. As a result our obligation is to you only and we can respond rapidly and flexibly to your needs.
And that’s precisely what your partner for estate matters and assets should be – of benefit to you!
Hoerner Bank Aktiengesellschaft mission statement:
At Hoerner Bank AG, we look back on 175 years of tradition and experience. We originally specialized in collecting inheritance assets. Not only are we one of the longest-standing and largest heir research companies in Germany, we also count among the leading global players in this industry.
In our capacity as a private financial institution, Hoerner Bank AG is rooted in the Heilbronn-Franconia region. And it is precisely now, in an age where our business is becoming increasingly globalized and many processes are being digitized, that this gives us a clear competitive advantage. We are first and foremost dedicated to our customers and are able to capitalize on our independence in order to safeguard their interests. For us, our customers are like partners – and that is why our relationship is always a bit more personal than elsewhere.
Our company philosophy
At Hoerner Bank AG, we do not believe in growth at any price but rather building a sound partnership. More than 175 years of company history would not have been possible without the trust of our customers, clients and business partners. But we are also aware that trust is something that we must continue to earn on a daily basis. This is why dependability and reliability are two main pillars of our company policy irrespective of whether we are searching for heirs, handling complex financial investments or financing private investment activities.
Our guiding principle
Our customers, clients and business partners are always at the heart of our thoughts and actions. It is our aim to develop a business relationship that bears testament to the wishes and interests of both parties. And to achieve this goal, we apply the highest standards to the personal and professional qualifications of our employees and executive staff. It goes without saying that we expect our managers to combine reliability, fairness and objectivity with a positive attitude towards our employees. The recognition of outstanding accomplishments of our staff is something that we set great store by.